Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Islam and Science of Mind; View of Evil

How can I use the SOM teaching to support my  Islamic faith? How will it help me in my life? What is  this philosophy’s view of evil?

The phrase “Besm’ alleh al rahman al raheem,” "In the name of    God, the merciful, compassionate", within Islam as a faith tradition, is the first declaration of the connection to God and of its essence.  In speaking about the first pillar, the confession of faith, or the shahada, bearing witness: “Ashadu ana le ileha ila allah,” or “I bear witness, there are no Gods, there is only God,” also recognizes the One life, One God that we are all connected.  

This is similar to my own understanding of my God for I recognize God in all things, as inherent in all of life.  The Science of Mind philosophy is the study of First Cause, Spirit, Mind, God, the invisible Essence of all of life, the Intelligence from which everything comes, the power back of creation, the Thing Itself (SOM, 26).  It brings forth the notion that there is a Universal Mind, Spirit that is the origin of everything.  Simply put, God is all that there is.  This presence is called by many names yet it is still the One life, One Mind, One Spirit, One Life. 

The phrase, “Mohammed rasul allah, “ or “Mohammed is his messenger” would appear
to seem different from my own belief in that Mohammed is God’s messenger only and that Mohammed had a divine revelation, was a clear channel for God, he was a servant or slave of God.  Islam recognizes over 124, 000 prophets.  If one looks at is as I do, from the perspective that we are all channels of infinite and divine wisdom, if we are open and willing to receive it, then it would seem that we are all revealers of truth, as we are all connected to God, this one Source.  

Similarly, both Islam and the Science of Mind teaching hold there is One God.  The Sufis would take it even further in saying that “the essence of all spiritually and religions is love and to love God."

How does this apply to your life as a Muslim?
The Science of Mind philosophy only enhances your faith in Islam and as a Muslim because it reiterates that there is One God. It teaches us that with God as our provider and 
sustenance, we can do anything and we can overcome any challenge or obstacle. When we trust in this power and Presence as our very lives, not separate from it, it means we can co-create the life we want by focusing our thoughts on goodness, peace, love, possibility and justice. It means we are co-creating with the Divine, Allah, God, for the highest ideas and possibilities to come to our lives. It affirms that prayer, reflection, and meditation is a necessary means to free ourselves from limiting thoughts, fears and worry, calming the mind and allowing us to remember the truth of who we are. We are God expressing. We are  God in action. It is this life force that is breathing itself through us. Mohammad may be another means to connect to God, living by his example and his words, and at the same time, as a Muslim, one can always turn to God, the inner self, for the answers. It also means that what we reap, we sow. What we think about and the energy we bring to our relationships, is what we will receive in return. It is the law of attraction and reciprocity. What I give to another, I will receive. We can learn so much from the Qur'an and also this spiritual philosophy that sheds deeper light on the wisdom of Islam.

What does the Science of Mind philosophy teach about evil?
Religious Science does not deny the appearance of evil. However, it teaches that evil does not exist as a force or power in the world. That which is called evil is merely the obstruction, or inversion, of the only power acting, which is Spirit.
The obstruction of Spirit's expression always occurs in the mind through the holding of false beliefs. According to Religious Science, the only presence acting  in the universe is God, which is always Good.

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