Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Holy Trinity and Spiritual Principles

What is your idea of the holy trinity and how does it apply to my life as a Ukrainian Orthodox Christian?

My Theology: God encompasses All, the father, the son and the holy spirit are all within God Itself.  We are all part of the One. This principle is Oneness. We are all connected and interconnected by this powerful Presence, called by many names. We each have our own way of finding and connecting to the God of our understanding. So even in our oneness, it is important to honor our likeness but also our differences-
the different cultures, languages, and countries 
we come from.
Ernest Holmes & Science of Mind Philosophy: All the great New Thought thinkers had their roots in Christianity yet many of them also studied the great philosophies of the east as well. Ernest Holmes, the founder and teacher of the Science of Mind philosophy held his roots in Christianity as did the greats, Thomas Troward, Phinneas Quimby, and Emma Curtis Hopkins. They all believed in mental healing and the power of thought over conditions to change experience and situation. New Thought is based in spirituality not religiosity. ("New Thought: A Practical American Spirituality", Anderson & Whitehouse) Thomas Troward was well known to speak about subjectivity and law. He said, "Right thinking leads to better health, wealth and happiness." Mary Baker Eddy took it even further and believed that one could heal through affirmative prayer and the power of thought over conditions. 

Jesus Christ
The principle of Jesus Christ represents the mystical marriage of our inner spirit with our outer personality. This union produces an expression of Life that includes both, yet is greater than either. The potential for this expression lies within each one of us. Therefore, Jesus is viewed as a great example for humanity, rather than the great exception.

  Ernest Holmes, says:
"Religious Science does not deny the divinity of Jesus; but it does affirm the divinity of all people. It does not deny that Jesus was the son of God; but affirms that all beings are children of God. It does not deny that the Kingdom of God was revealed through Jesus; but affirms that the Kingdom of God is also revealed through you and me."

Your Ukrainian Orthodoxy may hold that there is only one God, but that this one God consists of 3 "persons."
  • God the Father
  • God the Son
  • The Holy Spirit

I offer another idea that all are contained in the ONE. 

How does this apply to your life?

It means you are not an original sinner but a divine expression of the One Life, which is God. It also affirms that what Jesus could do, we can also do. It is the Christ Consciousness that we want to exude and embody, to live from in our lives. It is the "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" notion, to live from love rather than from fear. It also shows that we are in control over our thoughts, actions, and beliefs. When we start to look at what we believe about life, love, relationships, family, etc. we start to see where we are out of alignment with the goodness of life. 
This then, helps us get back on track by 
"changing our thinking and changing our life." 
We are able to then learn the mental healing posed by 
the New Thought philosophers by:

  • Believing in Good, Abundance, Prosperity, Oneness, Wholeness, Perfect Health 
  • Having faith in ourselves and our dreams which
  • Manifests the lives of our desires ----> through our understanding of our connection to God as our Life, as the One Spirit expressing as us, and by our power over our thoughts through spiritual practices and prayer.

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