Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Theology

How do I live from my theology? What are my beliefs?
  • I give meaning to diversity, oneness, unity, peace, belief, love, compassion, and freedom. 
  • I give emphasis on the education of our world’s cultures, histories, religious beliefs and backgrounds in understanding how to apply spiritual principles in these different contexts to better our way of living and being on the planet together. 
  • Universal principles can be taught and lived anywhere. 
  • Language, however, and jargon must be shifted depending on where people are to meet people where they are.  
  • It's about embodying principle, showing up as love to all people that I meet, and modeling values to inspire others to shift and transform their lives.
  • What we think about, we bring about. Where we put our attention, is where our life moves and is. 
  • We are creators of our destiny.  
  • We have the power to transform any trauma, challenge or past event through self-love, forgiveness, self-awareness, compassion and a new idea-a new thought.
  • Anything we dream about, think of, and believe is possible.
  • We each have an individual and collective responsibility to the planet and to humanity. 
  • We all have gifts and talents to share with the world. 
  • We are on the planet to grow and evolve. 
  • As we do our inner work to reveal more love, light, harmony and peace to ourselves and others, we elevate the consciousness of the planet and bring more light everywhere we look.
  • I believe in the power of prayer and its healing over conditions.
  • I live and create my own personal heaven and hell on this planet, not in some far off place in the sky or below ground. I get to choose where I will live. Heaven.
  • My connection to my Source, or God, Allah,Yaweh, Krishna, Spirit, is through my direct revelation of truth, not through any messenger or prophet. I am connected as easily as the air I breathe.
  • I honor and respect all walks of faith, culture, lifestyle and sexual orientation. Diversity is what makes us part of the puzzle of One. 

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