Monday, November 18, 2013

The Puzzle Pieces Fit Together

Dear Beloveds,
Many of us walk through life seeking and longing for connection, to believe in something powerful about ourselves and about our lives. Many of us desire to be happy, prosperous, joy filled and abundant. We are astounded and inspired by nature's miraculous beauty and adaption, and we feel the magic it possesses in all its character, structure, brilliance, harvesting and growth. We somehow wonder how we fit into this design, into this vast amazingness of this nature, the mountains, oceans, deserts, and plains. We want to know why we are here, who we are, and what our purpose is on this planet? 

                                The Puzzle Pieces Fit Together
We are all puzzle pieces, with our own story, identity, culture, language and diversity, yet we are part of the whole of the puzzle. This blog was inspired to address all of life's most profound and beautiful questions. We get to explore and expand ourselves, through the study and application of timeless spiritual principles, life experiences, and ancient wisdom brought to us from all walks of faith, cultures and peoples. 
It will also serve us in understanding New Thought Ancient Wisdom from the perspective of not only myself but from the great New Thought thinkers, philosophers and spiritual leaders. We collectively come from a diverse tapestry from all over the world, different cultures, languages, faith traditions, spiritual practices and customs, woven together. We are One.

So what do I mean by New Thought? 
"New Thoughters seek nothing less than total life transformation, empowerment through changing their  thoughts  and keeping them changed. " The Bible says, 'Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.' (Anderson, Whitehouse) "New Thought is the application of one's spiritual beliefs  to solve the problems of daily living.

New Thought is not really "new" at all. It points to all the great philosophies and religions of the east and west, and brings forth the essential truths that connect us all. 

The Keys to New Thought:

-God exists 
We find some of the most ancient views of God written in the Hindu Vedas, many written between 4300 and 1500 B.C.E. These Vedas teach that all things come from one eternal, self-existing principle. (The Roads of Truth, Sherry Evans) The Bible asserts an all-knowing, all-present, all powerful God that created everything that is. Plato said, "What is knowable must be eternal, definable and real" (The Roads to Truth, Sherry Evans)

-Freedom is our Birthright
Philosophers throughout history for thousands of years have spoken of free will. Emerson and Thoreau, great transcendentalists of their time, were greatly influenced by the religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.  St. Thomas Aquinas of the Catholic Church and the great philosopher Aristotle both felt that "moral action is the result of intellectual reflection and choice. We think, therefore we can choose. And therefore, we are. 

-Mind is Superior to Matter
The Greek philosopher, Anaximander of Melitus taught this idea of mind over matter. The transcendentalists, spiritualists and later new thought writers and thinkers, including Thomas Troward, Phinneas Quimby, and Emma Curtis Hopkins believed mind and matter are connected, they are one in the same. You have to have both as both are part of the Whole. Absolute idealism is the idea that reality is not just of mind but of the One mind, the Absolute Mind. This is also found in Hinduism and by the Greek thinkers, Plotinous, the mystics Emanual Swedenborg, Benedictus Spinoza, and George Freiderick Hegel.  They believed that matter is Spirit made visible. 

Ernest Holmes
Founder of the Science of Mind
So I will take your questions as they arise and each blog post will present YOUR most important and revealing questions about purpose, life, God, Spirit, faith, surrender, trust, theology,ancient wisdom, diversity, spiritual practice, meditation, etc. 

The spiritual principle that I mention in this blog is the philosophy of The Science of Mind teaching, founded by New Thought metaphysician, Ernest Holmes. I also will include my personal theology here for your own expansion, reflection and conclusions. 

References: Evans, Sherry. "The Roads to Truth: In Search of New Thought's Roots." Northern Lights Publications. Park City, Utah. 2005. 
Anderson, Alan C. and Whitehouse, Deborah G. "New Thought: A Practical American Spirituality." Bloomington, IN. 2002.

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