Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Science, Atheism, Communism and SOM

How does the SOM support my scientific views and atheistic upbringing in the former Soviet Union, and how can I live a better life using these principles?

I grew up during communist time in eastern Russia. I was raised atheistic and studied psychology and science as my background. I went to Russian Orthodox Church from time to time because my family is Russian Orthodox, but we had to keep it secret. Most the churches now have little funding and were closed, vandalized, or blown up during communist time. I do think there is some energy about life. 

My Theology: I hold the belief that science and spirituality are interconnected. We cannot have only one without the other. We are made of energy and every cell in our bodies is part of the wholeness of the universe. We are the “Thing Itself.” Ernest Holmes asked us to use this philosophy to experiment and question, to reflect and uncover our hidden beliefs so that we may prove it to ourselves through the demonstrations that happen in our experience, that it truly works. We do not believe it just by default, but because we have experimented with the principles, prayer, meditation, and in leaning into our own faith to see how it is working in our lives. We learn through an argumentative process in our own thinking and through affirmative prayer how to shift our experience and thinking to create the reality we desire. We move from lack, separation, limitation, doubt, scarcity thinking, and worry to unity, love, acceptance, trust, faith, surrender, and gratitude. 

You can live a better life by testing one of the spiritual principles of the law of attraction-putting your attention on the things you desire and want to embody and experience as it will come to you as you believe. Understanding that you are the co-creator with the Divine, the God of your understanding, energy, Spirit, or "Duhk" in Russian, then you will see that you have control in creating the life you desire through your right action, right thought, and right intentions, having faith and knowing your Good is already at hand. When you believe and embody the truth that God is within you, forever and ever, and that you are a powerful creator, you can do anything! 

Ernest Holmes views on science: 
Ernest believed that religion and science were truly complementary, and named his organization the Church of Religious Science to show that. He believed that, eventually, science would prove what the mystics have been saying for thousands of years about the nature of God, human beings, and the Universe. His beliefs have been borne out by many modern scientists, who have found that the universe is truly made up of energy. 

Religious Science, along with all of the mystics of the ages, knows that that energy is God.  

Quantum Physics View: Quantum physics is taking this even further by helping us bridge the gap between science and spirituality in saying that the act of observing changes what is being observed. In other words, what becomes form, manifested, demonstrated or revealed is by our conscious observation of the wave that collapses into form, which then brings forth our experience. 

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